10 Ways Video Can Rapidly Grow Your Business With Video Marketing

Read Time: 3 minutes

With over 5 years of being in business for ourselves, I can chalk our success up to two things: Insanely valuable services, and phenomenal marketing – specifically video marketing. Video marketing has truly helped our

companies grow in ways that would have been nearly impossible without it.

There is plenty of literature as to WHY we should do video marketing, but our goal with this article is to coach you and show you how it goes beyond the WHY we should do it to HOW we should do it to perform at a peak


At JRC (Jairek Robbins Companies, LLC.), we focus on peak performance. I want to share with you how to get your video marketing strategy to perform at a peak performance level in delivering insanely valuable content that people will love and share. After all, you can know why you need to do video and even the basics of how to do video, but if you don’t know how to do video marketing at a peak level, you’ll find yourself exhausted and

burnt out with little return.

Here is a checklist our team uses to create powerful marketing videos, that results in wider reaches, increased lead generation, leads to a larger e-mail list, brings in more sales, and most important – builds a RAVING FAN

client base!

1. What’s the goal/vision?

Before you even start making your video, it’s important to have a clear goal and vision to guide your actions which will also help you evaluate the success of your accomplishments at the end of the process. Part of your goal

should be to determine how often you’ll be making videos. We have learned over the past few years that consistency is key!

2. Who are you speaking to?

Knowing your target market is crucial in video marketing. Like any other form of marketing, the look, the sound, and the content must match what your audience wants.

3. What do they want?

The focus should be less on ‘selling’ and more on ‘giving’ quality information and content that will help your audience to solve some of the biggest challenges they are facing. This in turn will help them achieve the results

they are after.

4. What do they need?

After you’ve given them what they want, tell them what they need. Most people mistake Need & Want. People buy what they want, not what they need. Ensure that you first give them what they want, THEN give them

what they need. This is how we build a raving fan community online.

5. 99 Problems? Focus on ONE!

Choose ONE problem to solve. When creating every video for JRCTV, we focus on challenges that people in our community are facing. This is mainly derived from marketing research, such as surveys or Facebook comments. The key is to ASK your community what they need help with, what they are challenged with, and what you can assist them with. This helps drive the content for new episodes as well as products & services too!

6. Give a well-defined solution.

When working on the title focus on the benefits each audience member will experience, and do you best to describe it in a creative and succinct way.

7. What are actionable steps they can take right now?

People love action items! Ever notice why so many new blog titles or email subjects start off with “5 steps to…” or “How to (solution) in 3 easy steps”? It’s because it works! Make sure you give action items in each video.

8. Call to action.

You’ve got their attention, you’ve shared insanely helpful information… Now tell them what to do!! Remember, it’s video marketing. Whether it’s ‘subscribe’, ‘like’, ‘share’, ‘sign up’ whatever, tell them what to do and how to do it!

9. Consistency is key.

Whether it’s one video a month, or one a week, make sure you stay consistent. We have found that most people LOVE being able to tune in each week for an awesome episode. It also builds trust when they see that you

are consistent and they can count on you.

10. Brand it & always optimize.

Be sure that the look, feel, content, etc of your video marketing strategy is 100% aligned with your company’s brand. Intros, outros, watermarks, message, etc. should all be congruent!

There are always ways to optimize and improve your video marketing strategy. Continue to read best practices for video marketing, and rather than completely overwhelm yourself, pick one thing – one item at a time that

you can improve upon for the next video.

Lastly, don’t forget to celebrate your victories!!

Guest Post by: Founder of Jairek Robbins Companies


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Jairek Robbins was born in Santa Monica, California. He is a decorated performance coach and lifestyle entrepreneur who has applied his innovative methods to living a life of adventure, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship. At the age of twenty-three, Robbins was awarded the Congressional Award Gold Medal from the United States Congress. By twenty-five, he gained international renown as the creator of a revolutionary approach to maximizing personal performance that accelerated organizational success for a wide range of businesses. He has a psychology degree from the University of San Diego. Robbins?s personal journey has included circumnavigating the globe on a ship, helping build schools and houses in multiple countries, cage diving with great white sharks, encountering silverback gorillas in Rwanda, and working as a volunteer in underdeveloped regions. He supports a number of charities and nonprofits, such as the Change Heroes and the Pencils of Promise Foundation.

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