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Summary:Drugs & Their Classification, XII
By ashokkgupta62 | Updated: Aug. 10, 2018, 4:07 a.m.
Chemistry influences every sphere of human life. The principles of chemistry have been used for the benefit of mankind. Think of cleanliness — the materials like soaps, detergents, household bleaches, tooth pastes, etc. will come to your mind. Of course, sickness and diseases remind us of medicines — again chemicals. Chemistry has influenced our life so much that we do not even realise that we come across chemicals at every moment; that we ourselves are beautiful chemical creations and all our activities are controlled by chemicals. In this presentation, we shall learn the application of Chemistry medicines. This presentation deals with-drugs medicines, chemotherapy, basis of classification of drugs & drug-target interaction.
enzymes as drug targets,
enzyme inhibitors,
competitive inhibitors,
allosteric sites,
chemical messengers,