Training Video Statistics for Learning and Development

Training video statistics demonstrate the enduring significance of training and development in a changing business landscape. Videos have become an indispensable tool for online learning and upskilling, offering powerful resources to enhance employee knowledge and skills. When companies invest in…

The Disadvantages of Video Conferencing

In a post-pandemic world, video conferencing and zoom meetings have taken over face-to-face communication and become the default. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for virtual meetings will only continue to grow. Whether it’s for global conferences, remote…

Achieving Asynchronous Communication with Screen Recordings

Asynchronous communication has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly with the rise of remote work and global teams. But with so many communication methods available, it can be challenging to choose the right one.  The debate between synchronous and…

Preventing Meeting Fatigue by Screen Recording

Keeping your workers enthusiastic and guarding against fatigue should be among your top priorities as a manager or business owner. Unfortunately, one of the most common sources of fatigue among employees is linked to one of the most common workplace…

Types of Video Content for Small Businesses

Over recent years, the consumption of video content has skyrocketed, and video creation has become one of the most popular and successful methods for industries to reach and captivate audiences across various digital spaces. People spend so much of their…

How Using Video Can Increase Retention and Reduce Turnover

It is known that video can increase employee engagement, boost productivity and enhance the work environment. But visual communication can also be a powerful tool in your employee retention strategy. By creating video-based learning materials or communication strategies, companies and…

Why Video Bios Are Perfect for Small Businesses

Video bios offer small businesses and enterprises a unique and powerful opportunity to engage with potential clients and employees using dynamic imagery and emotionally-resonant content. These types of professional bios allow you to introduce yourself, your team, and your company…

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