How embarrassing….

So you know how we made this big To-Do about Ilya’s (The Chief Executive Unicorn) new Book, Right. ​ Well here is something really​ embarrassing​… ​ It only took 5 minutes for…

Premium Animation Style Libraries

What’s in the Powtoon premium Styles? Powtoon is​ continuously​ adding new style libraries so you can make ever​ awesomer animated videos or animated presentations. ​ Here is a sneak peak at some…

Powtoon Hits The Big-Screen

GroupMap really went to town with their video marketing. We love that they were not shy at all and played an animated video they created using Powtoon on this enormous screen during…

Macbook with text overlay

Downloading Powtoon

Downloading Powtoon Software Powtoon is an awesome online SaaS internet application. As such it can not be downloaded to your desktop at this time, and all creation within Powtoon is done completely…

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