5 Video Templates to Improve Employee Communication Wherever They Work

Read Time: 4 minutes

Not another video call, said every employee ever. Same goes for emails, spreadsheets, shared documents, Slack channels, and WhatsApp groups. Along with our rapidly changing world of remote work, the multi-platform management mayhem is becoming a real issue, making the need for clear and concise communication stronger than ever. 

Because while platforms are growing, your headaches don’t have to. Add COVID-19 to the picture, and that common work headache can quickly become a migraine if not managed properly. 

The thing is, in a world that is scattered with in-office and remote employees and teams, communication is the bridge to bond it all together. Employees need essential information, important updates, clear tasks, goals, and motivation to make it all happen. 

And that all starts with fostering a company culture of effective internal communication

The need for effective employee communication

We’ve all been in one of those whispers down the lanes when it comes to big company news. By the time a message reaches the end of the lane, it’s become diluted, confusing, and perhaps irrelevant. With today’s speed of information, internal communications needs to keep up, despite it typically being second, third, or heavens, even a final thought! However, that’s changing as the need for internal communications grows. Businesses are finally realizing that successful companies are made up of happy, engaged, and informed employees. Even the WSJ reports that businesses with the most sustainable growth are the result of positive employee engagement. Go figure. 

Without effective communication,  employees feel disengaged and unmotivated, which leads to a lack of productivity, attention, loyalty, and bottom line…results. Think of poor customer service, poor retention, poor collaborations. Reporting on their annual 100 Best Companies to Work for, Forbes says that the companies that score the highest with their employees are based on two main factors: camaraderie and internal communications. 

So let’s cut the vicious cycle of poor communication, and enter a new world of effective communication. How can businesses improve employee communication, no matter where they work?

Employee communication that goes beyond informing

To counter scattered teams and energy amidst the workplace, it’s crucial to create a structured and streamlined approach to communicating with employees across the board. Not only in a way that informs them of essential information, but also that motivates and engages them. 

How is it possible to inform AND inspire in-office and remote employees? Well, that requires some creativity. Anyone alive knows that the key to successful relationships is communication, and it’s not necessarily about what you say, but how you say it. 

Imagine turning a datasheet into a short and sweet animated clip? Or making that 11-page bore-of-a-report into a cool and super informative infographic? Or getting an encouraging message and vision recap, straight from the CEO?

These are all visual communications with tiny twists to the typical office email — an open invitation to manage multi-platform mayhem by delivering concise messages to employees in a fun format. And we know this might be hard to believe, even at work, but fun matters. A study done by Alive with Ideas, reported that 93% of communication pros believe that creativity is important to internal communications, yet only 6% think it’s being used to potential. 

Building a culture of trust

Nurturing employee communications means building a culture of trust, connection, engagement, and yes, dare we say it….fun. Who doesn’t want that in a work environment?!

When it comes down to it, what tools are needed to improve employee communication? To make employees’ lives a bit easier, exciting, to add some enthusiasm to their day instead of just email?

Enter visual communications. Make data that’s digestible. Present information that’s inspiring. Foster engagement that empowers employees to do their best work. Yes, yes, YES! 

How? Take 10 minutes and choose one of these templates to start today. Improve your employee communications from wherever they work. 

1. COVID-19 Company Update

An informed employee is a happy employee. In this rapidly changing world of work, sending timely company updates is crucial. Plus, if your employees know they can trust how your company is managing the COVID-19 craziness, it’s a huge trust-builder. Relay the latest guidelines and internal company stats in a clear, visual way to your employees. Answer all back-to-work questions. Show up in a fun way for your employees when they need you most. 


2. Introduce New Processes

Share new ideas, changes, and processes in one swooping office announcement. With big changes happening on the daily, your company doesn’t need to whisper down the lane anymore. With a unilateral change management guide and a way to introduce new processes, get all employees on board with this simple transitioning tool, and communicate it in a clear, and visual way. 


3. Recognize Small Wins

It’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference. Acknowledge the small wins by sending employees a certificate of completion! Recognize when an employee has successfully attended a workshop or training. Instead of a boring printout, award your people with a personalized certificate. You’ll be surprised at how one tiny GO YOU video can create a whole day of increased happiness…and productivity. 


4. Share Quick Results

Don’t make them read through another data document and wonder what to do with it! Instead, be proactive in how you present important information. Be concise, and share results in an exciting and comprehensive way. By using this video template to report quick results, be ready to create unexpected doses of clarity, motivation, and team togetherness, no matter where your desk is! 


5. Lead by Example 

Show your employees true leadership, and send a message straight from the top dog — the CEO. Relay important information, an encouraging message, acknowledge the challenges of the times or share a personal message of inspiration. Keep the company together with a vision of the future and a dose of hope by simply showing your face!


Employee communication during remote work can be difficult. With so many people scattered, information becomes scattered with them. Reconnect your employees, their projects, and your companies goals with visual communication that makes an impact.

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Zo Flamenbaum

Based in the startup city of Tel Aviv, Zo is a writer and social entrepreneur on a mission to bridge the worlds of wellbeing, leadership, expression, and impact. By day, she works as a content creator. By heart, she builds School of Shine, a global platform for women to express their truth, empower their voice, and elevate their purpose.
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