
What Are Some Examples of Visual Communication?

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Effective communication is key for any business. In today’s media-rich environment, it’s more important than ever that your communication stands out from the rest. Whether targeting customers, employees, business partners, or new recruits, having an easy-to-use visual communication platform in your toolbox is essential for success.

Why Visual Communication?

Visual communication offers a clarity to your viewer that’s impossible to achieve with words alone. Videos in particular are an effective tool, garnering significantly more engagement and conversions from viewers than links, text, or still images. Because of this, using a professional visual communication platform helps elevate your message in an environment that bombards users with an overwhelming amount of content.

Types of Visual Communication

The possibilities are endless for integrating visual communication into your marketing initiatives, professional presentations, onboarding and training programs, or teaching strategy. Some types of visual communication content include:

1. GIFs

GIFs lighten the tone of your presentation and are a useful tool for quickly engaging (or re-engaging) your viewers. They’re a great way to add humor in an otherwise mundane piece of content, give instructions in a product or process, and so much more.

2. Animation

Animated videos, images, or words grab your viewer’s attention much more effectively than a still or text-only image. Another power of animation is its capability to make complex ideas simple and relatable to any viewer who comes across it.

3. Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is popular for how-to or explanatory videos, typically featuring a visual display of an unseen narrator’s verbal explanation. This is a great medium for explainer videos that convey a product, process, or point of view.

4. Screen Recording

Trying to teach tech? A screen recording shows your viewer exactly how to do what they need to do and how to navigate around an unfamiliar platform or UI. 

5. Images

You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. If you can use one to visualize your point, do it. 

6. Infographics

Infographics offer complex information or statistics in an easy-to-digest, impactful way. Charts and graphs help the viewer comprehend data quickly, in a way that’s much simpler than explaining with words.

7. Data Visualization

Data visualization brings infographics to the next level. It takes huge data sets where it can be hard to understand trends, waves, and relationships between variables and visualizes them to help the views zoom out and see those relationships play out in front of them.

Data Visualization we made here at Powtoon

8. Stock Footage or Recorded Video

This is what most people typically think of when they hear the word “video.” Though use has expanded, the classics still work. 

9. Face-to-camera video

Employed by vloggers, reviewers, executives, and educators, this type of video is a simple recording of a talking head. While going face-to-camera can be intimidating for some, stepping in front of the camera has a powerful way to elicit trust, humanize your product, and put a face to your name. 

We love this face-to-camera interview with our CEO and Cofounder, Ilya Spitalnik!

Visual communication is even more impactful when these strategies are combined. A screen recording with embedded face-to-camera reminds the viewer of the human connection behind the training video. An animated infographic shares details one at a time for added impact. A whiteboard animation with relevant graphs helps drive your point home.

How a Visual Communication Platform Can Help

Countless resources exist today to help content creators make effective visual communication graphics, videos, and images, but every tool has a learning curve. For the sake of work efficiency and final product quality, it’s ideal to develop advanced skills in one or two visual communication platforms rather than dabbling in multiple platforms. Adopting an easy-to-use visual communication platform with robust, professional features to meet all of your needs will help you create content to send the message you need.

With tools like the best AI for writing scripts, Powtoon is the visual communication platform trusted by some of the 27 million users including startups, SMBs, corporations, and 96% of Fortune 500 companies to create visual messages with a lasting impact. With hundreds of templates designed for use across multiple industries, media platforms, and target audiences, Powtoon’s online animation and video creation studio will take your visual communication strategy to the next level. Sign up for Powtoon today!

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Shoshi Davis

Shoshi joined Powtoon as a Marketing Assistant. To read more of her stuff, you can find her content on Upwork and Business 2 Community talking all things inbound marketing for SaaS. After only 2 weeks at Powtoon, Shoshi was dubbed by the marketing team as having the superpower of "Unbridled Enthusiasm." So that was pretty cool.
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