How AI-Infused Personalized Learning Content Can Enhance Employee Knowledge Retention 

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According to Gallup, employee engagement levels throughout all industries are relatively low. Luckily, this same research has also yielded insights regarding how companies can boost engagement among the workforce.

For example, surveys indicate that employees are more likely to be engaged with their work if they feel their employers provide them opportunities to develop their skills and expand their knowledge. By offering both supervised and unsupervised learning programs for employees, you could improve engagement among your workers, guarding against the high costs of employee turnover.

Artificial intelligence can strengthen your efforts. Through AI, you can personalize these learning opportunities for your workers, ensuring they provide maximum value. 

What Does Personalized Learning Content Look Like?

Every employee plays a different role within the company. A “one size fits all” learning content strategy doesn’t address the specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses of individual workers.

AI-based personalized learning content is different. Examples of such employee learning and development content may include:

  • “Playlists” of videos, podcasts, and other forms of learning content, with different playlists offering different combinations of content based on each employee’s needs. 
  • Personalized learning paths, in which all workers learn the same skills and knowledge but through differing means.
  • Various types of interactive learning content, as interactivity naturally involves a degree of personalization.
  • Online learning content that adapts to the learning pace of each user.

Challenges of Creating Personalized Learning Content

Creating personalized learning content without the help of artificial intelligence has historically been challenging. The following are key reasons why:

  • Convincing decision-makers at your company that switching to personalized training is worth their time and money may be difficult if you already have established training and development programs.
  • Gathering information about employees to develop personalized content can be a time-consuming process.
  • By implementing a new approach to training and education, your company may also need to implement a new approach to measuring the effectiveness of a learning program.

AI’s Role in Crafting Personalized Learning Experiences

All of the above points should encourage you to work to tailor learning content to the goals and abilities of individual workers. Developing personalized learning content used to be challenging, but AI is changing that.

Personalized learning with AI leverages AI’s ability to monitor and measure various data about your workers constantly. For example, AI can monitor the habits of a user watching videos on a particular streaming service. The AI could “learn” from this data, suggesting other content users may enjoy.

AI can play a similar role in unsupervised learning programs for your employees. For instance, you may have a resource through which your workers can access all training materials, such as videos, slideshows, etc. This resource could monitor an employee’s behavior through AI-based personalized learning and suggest learning content that may best serve them.

You could also use AI to analyze data regarding the effectiveness and results of your training and learning programs. Doing so may provide information about the types of learning content that are most valuable for certain employees. You could then develop more such content for individual workers who may benefit from it.

The Benefits of AI-Infused Personalized Learning

Along with the points above, other benefits of personalized learning with AI include:

  • Improving engagement with learning content.
  • Boosting knowledge retention by aligning content with the learning styles of different employees.
  • Adapting learning programs to the learning pace of each worker can guard against overload and burnout.
  • More effectively addressing skill gaps.

In addition, your workers may understand that switching to AI-based personalized learning requires a significant investment on the company’s part. They may thus be more engaged, thanks to the knowledge that their employer cares enough about their professional development to make such an investment.

Tackling AI-Personalized Learning Challenges

Although artificial intelligence can help your company develop more personalized learning content and opportunities for your workers, you should also be aware of the challenges you might face when implementing this approach to learning and development. Preparing for these challenges ahead of time will allow for a smooth rollout.

Examples of challenges you may face (and solutions you may leverage) include:

  • Because AI must analyze user data to develop personalized content and recommendations, employees may have valid concerns regarding privacy and the usage of this data. The simple fix for this issue is to prioritize establishing ethical data usage guidelines from the start.
  • If you focus too much on developing personalized content, you may forget to ensure the content is of high quality. Guard against this by setting clear learning objectives and using data-driven insights to determine whether a piece of learning content serves its intended purpose.
  • Integrating personalized learning content with your existing systems can involve basic technical challenges. Thus, you should involve IT specialists immediately as you switch to AI-based personalized learning.

The main point to remember is that embracing personalized learning will lead to significant rewards for your company. Through effective custom learning programs, you won’t just boost employee engagement—you’ll also build on the strengths of your workforce, giving your company a unique competitive edge.

Create Personalized Learning Experiences with Powtoon

Your personalized learning content needs to be dynamic to ensure proper retention. Thanks to Powtoon, creating this type of content is easier than ever.

Powtoon allows users to create live-action videos, animated videos, impressive slideshows, and more, even if they lack video production experience and large budgets. Sign up today to learn more about what Powtoon can do for your learning content.

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Hanna is Powtoon's Content Marketing Strategist. She joined Powtoon as a copywriter in 2019, after graduating from university with a specialized degree in marketing and business. She continues to inspire people to create incredible video content with blog posts, videos, guides, and more. Hanna's passions include reading, singing, and caring for animals (#proudvegan). Nothing makes her happier than waking up to her two black kitties who, contrary to popular belief, are good luck!
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